Saturday, December 24, 2005


The wind of change has really gripped the big metros who are now desperately trying to shirk off their image of being centres of vulgarity, corruption(both moral and political) and recklessness.
Delhi for example will be seriously trying to gather it's wits on the issue of women safety,Pune for its own part will be trying to prevent the vulgar hep culture from taking deep roots in its foundation and so on and so forth.

The issue of AIDS though has really been of utmost importance for all metros are trying to prevent the disaster. The most despicable role in this whole scenario has been of the corporate and free media which has very conveniently reconciled to the fact that immorality is a norm and thus steps shuold be taken to promote safe sex which may be immoral in nature.
Bull s....... i believe that merely upholding the banner of modernity to legitmise such indecent and immoral affairs shall contibute to the breakdown of our allready deteriorating culture. THEREFORE we should accept that safe sex(pardon me for being uncommonly liberal in using this western word) is a necessity BUT............ ANYTHING WHICH DOESN'T FALL UNDER INDIAN CULTURAL ETHOS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO TASK.
Thus instead of promoting the volatile free society culture we should preach fidelty, honour and all those things which bind the Indian family system togrther.
I on my part believe that along with support to the victims, moral preaching is a must so that fallacious values don't claim the lives of innumerable youth of our generation who thrive on stinking pizzas and live on call centre salaries while devouring American hypocrisy and bollywood pornography(under the guise of bold cinema) with huge energy and eager anticipaton.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


ALAS the tragedy of every cute little city is that one day it will lose it's charm to the rampant march of modernisation.
just as the venetian culture of intra canal boating ended many cities are on the verge of losing their own fortes of beauty that emenates from their modest, simple and yet at the same time ravishing personas.

pune lost its greenry,bicycles,calm and quiet; new york lost the post war close knitted bonds, geneva lost a real chunk of cold beauty to modernisation.
the thing that worries me the most though is that towns like shimla are slowly changing too; to something they would not like to associated with. development at the cost of loss of scenery and natural beauty ,simplicity and elegance is something these towns should not support.
it is this only asset tht they have.
in terms of facilities wchich the so called development promises to fill them with ,they have plenty; peace(touch wood),calm and purity.
rather in my opinion there is nothing wchich these towns don't have.

so long live the good old shimla though the one thing which is ironically sad about these small towns is that one day you'll have to leave them in search of a future in this competitive; god bless them who can trace their way back to this place to carry on their lives beneath the serenity on nature.